Thursday, May 22, 2008

Production Evaluation

The purpose of an evaluation is for you to revisit the pre-production, Production and post-production stages of the assignment. Through doing this you will be able to decide if you have achieved the outcome that you had originally planned.

The important aspect of this evaluation is not that everything went to plan and you are happy with that outcome, although this is still important. What we also need to see is that you have carefully considered each aspect of the assignment and taken from that assignment any lessons or do’s and don’ts that can be transferred on to the next assignment. It is only through such a process that you can really gauge how far and how much you have taken from the course.

1. What do you feel is the most important area of learning that you have taken from this assignment? Look at all the production stages and ask your self which areas of this assignment have given you a new way of thinking or approaching you future projects. (50 Words)

2. From your finished project what parts are you most happy with? With the same level of consideration what areas do you feel you need to improve on? (50 Words)

3. How well do you think you and your group worked in achieving all the goals that were set by the assignment brief? (50 Words)

4. What would you change or do differently in the next production? (50 Words)

5. How does your trailer fit with the look and style of a real example that you looked at in research, think about how your trailer looks and how itis editied (50 Words)

Horror trailers 08

Chase 08 Student work